Examples of Cyanobacteria Bloom(Blue Green Algae)

October 29,2022

October 24,2022

October 29,2022
District of Muskoka Resources
Information about Blue-Green Algae Blooms
The Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) samples for suspected blue-green algae in Muskoka's waterways. You can learn more about what blue-green algae is and how to recognize it, by visiting the MECP Blue-Green Algae webpage.
Based on the MECP samples and confirmation of blooms, the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) communicates notices to the public regarding blue-green algae blooms occurring in Muskoka's waterways.
For the most up to date listing of waterways affected by blue-green algae in Muskoka, and their current status, visit the SMDHU Blue-Green Algae webpage. Public notices can be found on the SMDHU Newsroom Webpage.
The area municipalities typically share the SMDHU public notices regarding blue-green algae blooms on their websites, through news releases, and on social media. If you would like to receive notifications of confirmed blue-green algae blooms in your area, consider following your area municipality on social media
or subscribing to their electronic newsletters.
Where blue-green algae is visible or where a notice of a bloom has been issued for the lake, The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit asks residents and visitors to exercise care and to take the following measures:
Do not use the lake water for the preparation of infant formula
Do not allow pets or livestock to drink or swim in the water where an algae bloom is visible
Be cautious about eating fish caught in water where blue-green algae blooms occur
Do not use herbicides, copper sulphate or other algaecides that may break open algae cells and release toxins into the water
Avoid swimming and other water sport activities where an algae bloom is visible.