The first Lake Plan was approved by the membership in August 2008.
Click here to download.
The Plan identifies key areas of stewardship to support the future of the lake and has served as a guide to all stakeholders and property owners who share interest and responsibility for protecting the natural environment of the lake and mutual enjoyment of the lake.
The Plan is a living document that will evolve as the needs of Leonard Lake and the wishes of the membership change over time. Work has begun to update the Lake Plan and to take steps to integrate it into the Township of Muskoka Lakes Official Plan to help protect our small lake from future challenges.
The goals of the Lake Plan are:
Water Quality
That the water quality of Leonard Lake should be as close as possible to natural historic levels (i.e., the level of contaminants that would occur in nature prior to human habitation), or not exceed standards specified by qualified official bodies.
Fish & Wildlife
That Leonard Lake and surrounding lands support sustainable fish and wildlife population and maintain stability in the bio-diversity of wildlife species and their habitat.
Natural Shorelines
That the protection and rehabilitation of the lake shoreline, described as the “ribbon of life” that supports a diverse range of fish and wildlife species, be promoted to increase the amount of natural shoreline.
Trees & Vistas
That the natural vista from Leonard Lake be maintained and that the buildings, structures, other man made objects (e.g. vehicles) and evening/night lighting have a minimal impact on the natural appearance of the shoreline and on the viewscape from the lake.
Property Development & Land Usage
That Leonard Lake will remain a residential lake and that all new proposed residential development, redevelopment and land usage will respect the environment, the character and carrying capacity of the lake, as well as maintain property values.
Boating & Recreation
That the Leonard Lake community will encourage a range of boating and recreational activities that are consistent with the natural character and ambiance of the lake, preserving the environment, respecting the need for peace and tranquility, ensuring the safety of swimmers and power and non-power craft operators, and protecting wildlife.
Sense of Community
That Leonard Lake will be an inclusive and mutually supportive community based on a shared interest in and responsibility for protecting the natural environment of the lake, and mutual enjoyment of the lake.