On this page the hope is to have an area for resources and best practices. Possibly a Buy & Sell or services endorsed by other stakeholders, perhaps tool sharing, bakeware sharing, help wanted and help available, youth services (privacy maintained), templates for letters of action.
These are a few ideas, if you have others please, send your ideas to: leonardlakemuskoka@gmail.com
Michael's Corner
Orchids Galore - Contributed by Michael Hatton,1240 Leonard Lake Rd. 2
mjhatton@hotmail.com 416-526-4170
June is the best time to see orchids on Leonard Lake. June is orchid month on my property and several dozen Pink Lady's Slippers are showing quite nicely. This season's bounty has prompted me to wonder where else on Leonard Lake orchids might be showing, including what species and the sun/soil conditions? Our lake has a reputation for being a small haven of residents who are concerned about water quality, natural shoreline preservation, and plant protection. If you have orchids, or other rarities (think Ghost Pipe and so forth), on your property and are inclined to share this information, I would be willing to create an initial database. Information could be useful as one component of monitoring the overall ecological health of our piece of Muskoka. If this resonates, send me a text or email with a description or photos as well as data on the habitat if able. If you have what you think is a particularly rare or unusual flower, or plant, and need help identifying it I can try to assist. Anytime over the course of the summer or early fall would be great.
Michael has volunteered to catalogue and map plants of Leonard Lake.