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Comments - Recreation (verbatim)

Do not like the noise and shoreline damage from the big boats especially wake boarding boats!!!

Quiet lake,water is great for swimming

Look forward to some day being able to come up to LL in the winter and enjoying winter activities.

We just enjoy being there.

Quiet is appreciated

The lakes means different things to different people. It’s great to see the community using the lake in diverse and new ways. 

We prefer a clean lake with very limited powerboats

don't like big power boats, airplanes, seadoos, booze cruises, damage to water quality and reduces peacefulness

There are a lot of water based activities at the lake but unfortunately nowhere to walk other than the cottage roads. ( Not terribly safe ) 

Would like to see the waterskiing as a separate category to wake-boarding/wake-surfing as the pitch in prop for the latter two is totally different and more disruptive to the environment. 

with 8 grandchildren bt 2 and 11yrs, the cottage is developing to a Nature retreat

Doing the survey on my phone. Do far it's working beautifully...


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